Membership FAQ

Got questions? We have answers!

Why should I get an individual ATRA membership?
With your membership you receive a subscription to Trail Times and to our e-newsletters. We also have an agreement with Ultrarunning magazine for our membership – discount on the annual subscription rate for new subscribers. If you renewed at the “premium” level, you will receive one year of the Outside+ digital subscription with your membership (this is a $60 value!)

If I’m an ATRA premium member, do I get Outside+ immediately?
We send in memberships to Outside+ once per month, so your lag time will be between one and four weeks, but you will receive an entire year with your membership.

What other benefits are there for individual trail runners?
We have weekly giveaways for race entries, magazine subscriptions, gear, and products. Over the past five years, we have given away more than $26,000 worth of items to our ATRA members.

What are the benefits of joining ATRA as a race director?

  • We list your race in our searchable online events calendar and you can update your listing with photos, descriptions, and more
  • We have an event standards program in which you can participate at no charge.
  • We have partnered with the Nicholas Hill Group to offer event liability insurance.

Is there insurance for individual trail runner members?
At the present, ATRA does not offer an individual insurance package.

For brands & race directors who have single-track memberships or higher, when can I run my ads?
Send us your ad before the first of the month to run in an upcoming e-newsletter, or by the fifth of the months of March, June, September, or December for our quarterly newsletter inclusion. For web ads (switchback and higher level members), provide contact upon enrolling as a member and we’ll start running the ads.

Still have questions? Message us via our Contact Us page.